We are now accepting online donations for Kokomo Community Concerts! Donations are tax-deductible and essential to our outreach efforts of bringing world class performers to our community.
Just click the “Donate” button on this page. You will be redirected to our PayPal shopping cart, where you can donate whatever gift amount you choose. You do not have to sign up for a PayPal account to donate online, as we also accept most major credit cards.
We also gratefully accept donations by check. Please make out your check to Kokomo Community Concerts and enclose a note to tell us exactly how you would like your name to be listed in the program booklet (as explained below under “Donor Levels”). Mail your donation to Kokomo Community Concerts, 3207 Walton Way, Kokomo, IN 46902.
Please note that a handling fee is added for online donations. This is to cover the electronic payment fees that we are charged by PayPal. Please be sure to check the box to include these fees.
Donor Levels
As a show of gratitude for your donation, we will include you in our program booklet as a supporter of Kokomo Community Concerts. In the “Name” box, please type the name as you wish to have it listed (i.e., Dr. John and Mary Watson, or Thompson’s Bakery).
Donations will be recognized at the following levels:
Platinum Donation
$5,000 or more
Gold Donation
$2,000 – $4,999
Silver Donation
$1,000 – $1,999
Bronze Donation
$500 – $999
Benefactor Donation
$250 – $499
Patron Donation
$100 – $249
Donor Donation
$50 – $99
Friend Donation
$10 – $49
If you have any questions, or would like to speak with someone about donating to Kokomo Community Concerts, you can contact our Ticket Chair, who also handles donor relations. Call 765-210-0686 or find more information on the Contacts Page.